Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 in Review

As 2009 dawns upon us (in just a few hours!), I thought I'd do this little year in review survey everyone has been doing.

01. Where did you begin 2008?
At the Feller's house.

02. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Started teaching full-time, moved into an apt.

03. What was your status by Valentine’s Day?
The same as every other V-Day. :-p

04. Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Yes-I taught at 4 different schools in 2008.

05. How did you earn your money?
Teaching, vocal directing shows, working at church, teaching lessons, Thomas the Crap-tank announcing, working at the park.

06. Did you have to go to the hospital?
For an ear infection once.

07. Did you have any encounters with the police?
Um...I got pulled over for a headlight. And, I ALMOST did a few weeks ago because I didn't have any cash w/me when I went to the gas station, so they were going to let me go back and pay the next day, but I didn't get there by early afternoon, so they called the cops! HAH! Obviously I was going to pay it, but yeesh!

08. Where did you go on holidays?
Um...Easter was church & home, 4th of July was work and Feller's & fireworks, Christmas was home and g'rents.

09. What did you purchase that was over $1000?
Lots of furniture.

10. Did you know anybody who got married?
Stacey & Justin, Jessica & Paul, Miranda & Ron, Derek & Laura, Anna & Alberto...I know there were others but I can't think of them right now.

11. Did you know anyone that passed away?
Yes, my pastor's husband passed away a week ago today on Christmas Eve.

12. Did you know anyone who had a baby?
Justin & Amy, one of my cousins, bunches of other people. Lots of babies to come very little LEAH, Tim & Kim's baby in a couple of weeks! :-D

13. Did you move?
Yes, I did.

14. What concerts/shows did you go to?
Oh gosh, too many to count! Favorites: Pride & Prejudice the Musical, Wicked, Legally Blond, and a gazillion others.

15. Are you registered to vote?

16. Who did you want to win Big Brother?
I don't know who was on Big Brother.

17. Where do you live now?
an apt.

18. Describe your birthday.
I was in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown and we had a performance that night. Lots of friends & relatives came. After it some of the people in the show went out to Chili's and got food.

19. What’s one thing you thought you’d never do, but did in 2008?
I have no idea...I don't think I did anything that outrageous.

20. What has been your favorite moment?
I can't think of a favorite. There were lots of good ones though. Maybe seeing Houghton people back in March.

21. What’s something you learned about yourself?
I'm much more of a perfectionist than I ever thought I was.

22. Any new additions to your family?
Ashley-Robert's girlfriend...I guess you could say she's an addition.

23. What was your best month?
I loved December :o)

24. What was your worst month?
Ugh...probably August or something. That was a crazy month.

25. What music will you remember 2008 by?
Viva La Vida

26. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Lol...I certainly don't have any drinking buddies. Katie drink water and lemonade when we hang out. Does that count?

27. Made new friends?
I don't think so. I made new acquaintances though.

28. Lost friends?

29. Favorite night out?
Anytime out w/the BFF' shows and then dinner/Friendly's, etc.!

30. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Probably happier
ii. thinner or fatter? A bit thinner
iii. richer or poorer? "Richer"

31. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Well, September 20th was my birthday...I don't think I'll forget my own birthday. :-p

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I just heard this song for the first time yesterday, but it's my new favorite already. In fact, I looked up their website today (Tenth Avenue North) and they had streaming mp3, so I listened to them for a while at work. :-p If the auditors come to get me for listening to Christian music on my work computer, oh well! ;o)

In other news, I'm in the middle of the 3rd of the Twilight books, Eclipse. I had put off reading them for about 2 or 3 years now and I'm so sorry that I did! They're so not what I much better. I LOVE Edward Cullen. :-p Bethany, her best friend Erica, and I all went to see Twilight on Saturday. I might take myself again this weekend. And the next. And maybe even again. Continuously until it comes out on DVD. ;o) Yes, I loved it that much. Very intense. Very romantic.

My mom, Ashley (Robert's girlfriend) and I also went to see Australia on Black Friday after shopping all day. It was very long, but oh so good! I loved that one too. I'm sure it'll get some Oscar nods, though I've also heard that it got some poor reviews. Sadness!

I got a tree and decorated it for my apt. It's not done quite yet. I think I still need some ornaments. I also might want a tree skirt even though it's in a pot. The floor around it looks weird though, so I have to figure something out.

Apt. is getting closer to being done every other week (haha-when the paycheck comes!). As soon as it's finished, I'll post some pics. Until then, I don't dare show my bare walls on here! ;o) For now though, you may all settle with these poor representations of my Christmas Tree (I hate how it looks in the picture! :-p).

*I should add that I should have edited these pics before posting them. The tree is not really leaning. The pics are just lopsided. :-p

And now, I'm off to read more about dear Edward (:-D) and wait for Robert and Ashley to arrive for dinner. :o)