Thursday, November 20, 2008

What a week...

and it's not even over yet!

Things were great coming back to school on Monday. I finally had most of my voice back. I was speechless last week...literally, as I had acute laryngitis and couldn't make a sound for a couple of days. So my voice was back, my choirs were sounding pretty good in prep for our concerts coming up, and my general music classes were having fun working on their commercial and Stomp projects.

Then came Wednesday. Wednesday was the day I woke up late, only to find an inch of snow on my car. So, I rushed trying to get it cleared off so that I would still have extra time for my drive to work in case the roads were icy. However, as I got in my car and pressed the brake and clutch to start the car, the brake went ALL THE WAY TO THE FLOOR. Ugh. I thought that maybe it was just snow or ice on my brakes and they just needed to warm up, so I pumped them and drove. And they didn't work. And I coasted into the gas station around the corner from my apt. Thank God I drive a stick. So, after the brake fluid that I poured into the reservoir did nothing, and after I called the school to tall them I wouldn't quite make it to teach first period (or at all-ugh), and after calling my parents to get my dad's advice and my mom's help w/a ride, I walked back to my apt.

After coasting my car through town to the shop, waiting all day and missing a day of work, and shelling out lots and lots of dollar bills, I had Betsy back almost as good as new. Or so I thought.

And of course there was other crap that went on, which I'll refrain from mentioning. And I had to spend a ridiculous amount of money on stupid bills of various types.

But today, I left school excited because I'm going to Fredonia for the weekend to take some students to Area All-State, which should be fun!

Then this afternoon, as I was driving, my speedometer quit on me. From 60 to 0 in .5 seconds.

The end.


vivian said...

awwww.. jen, your right your laryngitis was really "cute" hahaha hehehe!!! hmmm....
yup a bit of bad luck came your way this week.. sucks at christmas time doesnt it? did you get to talk to tony snicklefritz? Is he coming home this weekend? well, just drive slower then you what feels normal and you should be ok.. oh wait.. youre going away.. when are you leaving and returning? I'll talk to you later.
love, yo momma!

Anonymous said...

aww what a crappy week! AT LEAST you have a steady and good job to help you pay for this now! Hope your weekend goes better!
Thinking of you...