Monday, February 4, 2008

40 days of new

As Lent begins this week, I'm coincidentally making a number of changes/beginning new things in the next couple of days. I won't mention all of them, but I will say that I'm looking forward to a time of simplification and consecration.
I find it interesting as well that tomorrow is nine months until the presidential elections. Many (charismatics in particular) feel that there are strong prophetic ties to numbers. Interesting that over these next nine months, our nation will be preparing to bring forth a new president. Will it be a boy or a girl and will we call them Barrack, Hillary, Mitt, John, or Mike?
And with that little segue, let me please admonish anyone who may read this before 9pm tomorrow night: VOTE (if you are registered in a state that is holding a Super Tuesday primary). This is the one election where you will have more say than any other: your party and your state alone.

Personally, I LOVE to vote. I feel that it's one of my greatest privileges as an American citizen is voting. In fact, I've hardly missed an election since I turned 18...I even vote for the county and school board elections. All that said, though I love voting, I'm not completely optimistic and unrealistic. I know that our democratic society says that every vote counts. However, I am a conservative living in NY, and I know that no matter what, when it comes to a presidential election (as well as most other elections), my state will go to the blue. Without fail, NY votes democrat. Tomorrow though, is a primary election. Republicans only voting for republicans, democrats only voting for democrats.
Tomorrow I will do my part in helping to decide if McCain, Romney, or Huckabee take the field in the White House SuperBowl nine months from tomorrow.

As I've said, it's no secret that I'm a conservative. Pretty staunchly so. I'm still not positive who's little lever I'll be pressing tomorrow night (I assure you it will NOT be Romney's, but my mind isn't made up as to whether I should give my vote to McCain, or vote for Huckabee who I truly want). Because this is my blog though, and I'm able to freely express my opinion, Let me yank on your shirt sleeve and beg at you for a little bit. Please vote AGAINST Romney if you are a republican, and against Hillary if you are a democrat. Especially against Hillary. I strongly believe (and I could go into the hundreds of reasons why in a later post) that if she takes office, this country-and this world will be in more trouble than we've ever seen. Vote against Hillary. Just because she's the senator for NY, doesn't mean she has to win here. Ann Coulter's a bit off her rocker at the moment for saying she'd vote for Hillary over McCain.

Ok, political rant is over. Now I must go to bed. First though, does anyone know of any great Christian music I should check out, particularly new worship music? Even though I am the music director for a church, I am not up on who's the best and what's good in Christian music anymore. I have my favorites that I follow and purchase (Shane & Shane, Casting Crowns, Passion, United), but what's good out there that I don't know about? Share with me PLEASE! :-D

Thanks! Goodnight & happy voting! :-p


Anonymous said...

honestly, i think there may be a lot of good that comes out of it if Hillary is elected president. if she wasn't pro-abortion, i would totally vote for her! she has a lot of good things that she would do! i do hope she wins out over obama though! i honestly think the country wll be much better off if a democrat is in office. although, it scares me a little - if obama is in office i think someone will try to assissinate him - i don't think this country is realy for a black president. there are a lot more groups out there that hate black people than that hate women.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I went all the way to Hamlin just so I could vote on Tuesday... I made a resolution this year to be involved in whats going on with the presidential elections and I've become all too obessed with it. Anyway- Worship music, worship music...have you checked out Aaron Shust? He's got some really great new music!
Miss you :)

jenneroni said...

Aw Stace, I'm proud of you! I love voting. :-p

I have heard a little bit of Aaron Shust on the radio, but I'll have to check out more. Thanks! I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!! :o(

jenneroni said...

Who made the anonymous comment? I have to disagree with you about good coming out of Hillary being elected. I think a lot of the things she would do would be more harmful than helpful. The abortion issue (which I feel is huge) is tiny compared to other things, such as fiscal and social policy, as well as foreign policy. I think people are far more ready for a black male president than a female, especially her and the chance of assassination is stronger w/her. We already have shaky relations with a lot of the world. Look at the middle east and their view of women. Then send HER over there to negotiate and try to take care of things and see how many people listen and take her seriously.

I was against her husband from the beginning as well (though I was too young to vote back then) and it seems like a lot of people have forgotten the various messes that he got us into back in the day (lets talk about his various dealings w/Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden to begin with). Oh wait, remember the old joke that She was the real president Clinton back then? Lets multiply that reality now and watch things get far worse.

I won't be at all surprised if a democrat takes the white house this year, though I will fight against that with all I am. However, I PRAY that she isn't the one. I'm not supporting Obama, but he'll be able to do a much better job uniting the country, improving US relations w/the rest of the world, and leading the country out of the messes that we're in right now. That being said, I feel that McCain will do a far better job at all of those things than he will.

Anyway, whoever you are, I'm glad that we may respectfully disagree. :-p