Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Houghton bound

I'm getting ready to head down to Houghton until tomorrow. It's the 7-year anniversary of nightly prayer. 7 years have gone by since we committed ourselves to spend every night in that basement crying out and singing to the Lord. Some people think it's been longer, and really there was much more before then, but it was 7 years ago that we began the nightly meetings. Before that, we met only on Fridays or a few times a week.

There are so many memories and if I began to write them all, I'd be here for hours! Those years were some of the most important of my life. That room, that atmosphere, that group of people-our family then was more influential to me than almost anyone or anything else in my life (excepting my biological family and possibly a few others in some ways of course).

So hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to Ho-town I go! :-p It will be nice to reunite w/many of m old comrades and friends (Ben & Laura, Lindsay, Richad, Brent, Chris, Joe & Heba, Nickie, and others), some who I haven't seen in a year or two because we all live around the country. I know that we will dearly miss those who aren't in attendance: Matt & Laurel, Aimee, Becky, Justin & Amy to name a few.

So here we go for a throw-back to the old days and a look ahead at what's to come.

Houghton College. What a place.


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Haven't seen those people in ages! Have fun at good ol' Houghton :)

bethany said...

Cool! How did it go? :)

Anonymous said...

aww... thanks for missing me. =)
