Monday, July 7, 2008

Tim & Kim's wedding page

Tim & Kim's wedding page
Originally uploaded by jenneroni
I decided yesterday that I really need to try to get caught up on at least some of my scrapbooking. I think the easiest way for me to do that is organize things by which album they'll go in and do one album project at a time. I have a bunch of different albums that have many pages that need to be made: weddings, shows, family, me, college, friends, etc.

I thought that the easiest album to start with would be the wedding one. I already have a number of pages in that one, and I love creating wedding layouts because I try to make them as beautiful as possible. I decided a while back that I would do a page/layout for every one of my friends weddings (at least the ones I attend). As of today, I'm down to 12 that I need to complete. I think I have close to that many in the album already.

This is the layout I created today. It's of my friend Tim's wedding 4 years ago. Better late than never, right? :-p I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out, though the photos were taken on a fairly crappy camera from far away, so they definitely leave much to be desired, but I think the page still has the effect I wanted it to. Because I made and photographed the layout at work, it's hard to really see all of the details, so I plan to take another pic later when I can set it up on an easel and use my tripod.

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